
Next week, our contractors at EcoTek will be soft washing the roofs of courts 9-12 and the surrounding trim as follows:

Monday 3/27 – Court 9

Tuesday 3/28 – Court 10

Wednesday 3/29 – Court 11

Thursday 3/30 – Court 12

Friday 3/31 – Touch-ups

Please direct your attention to the enclosed preparation instructions, in order to make necessary accommodations. Most importantly, please be sure to have all WINDOWS CLOSED and PATIO GATES UNLOCKED.

The technician will need to untilize unoccupied resident parking spaces on an as-needed basis, in order to be in proximity ot each building. Please be accommodating, if possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Management at (703) 820-9567 or

Soft Wash Preparation Instructions

  • Please ensure that the outside water spigots are on and unobstructed.
  • Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach) is the active alkali in our cleaning solution, at mix ratios strong enough to treat organic staining it should not be exposed to any personal belongings or clothing (i.e., furniture, plants, etc.), please cover and remove if possible.  We will be unable to reach balconies and decks to provide coverage of these items.
  • Ensure that all items on decks / patios are moved away from in front of siding to permit full cleaning of the unit.
  • If you have a wood door, please cover before technicians arrive.  Any areas of peeling or deteriorating paint/stucco will be documented by the technician(s) beforehand.
  • Please ensure all the windows and doors are tightly shut.  If the weather stripping is deteriorated, to prevent leakage and potential damage, we recommend placing a towel at the bottom of the door.  Should a leak occur Ecotek cannot be held responsible.
  • Please ensure driveways are vacant, to ensure vehicles are not exposed to ‘over-spray’ of cleaning solution.
  • Please note that we will be using sodium hypochlorite during the cleaning process and there may be a remaining odor of the biodegradable outdoor bleach for 24 hours after service.  We do use a soap that helps to mask the scent, but for stronger applications this can still occur.
  • If there is any pre-existing damage, please alert the technician so we can take proper procedures to best handle the pre-existing damages.  This includes separations between siding panels, loose or dislodged soffits, bent or marked gutters etc.
  • Please ensure that any gates for access to the property are unlocked.
  • If window cleaning is included in your services, screens must be removed from the window frames.  Any windows with screens in place will be rinsed thoroughly but cannot be brushed and given a pure water rinse.
  • During service, please keep pets and people clear of the worksite and do not attempt to approach the technicians while they are spraying.

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